FAQ & Terms and Conditions for Classes and Workshops with Felicia Forte


1. Payment is required to hold a place in an Online Class, In-Person Class, or Workshop run by Felicia Forte.

2. Workshops held by a third party will be subject to that party's own policies.

3. As a small business Felicia cannot offer refunds or makeups for client cancellations or absences.

4. In Person Mentoring is an ongoing offering. You can sign up for a month at a time.

5. Registration is first come first served. I will make all spots available now.

6. If Felicia cancels a session without scheduling a substitute instructor, you are entitled to a make-up session. Felicia will reach out to organize.

7. Please direct all general and administrative questions to: https://www.feliciaforte.com/write-to-felicia

8. You must be able to climb two flights of stairs to Felicia's studio to participate in her In Person Mentoring. Felicia’s studio is located in a warehouse. Other suggestions: bring a sweater, be ok with a studio bathroom, bring headphones.

9. If you drive to Felicia's studio, you must find street parking, which is not difficult on Saturdays.

10. Felicia’s Studio is in the Mission/Potrero neighborhood of San Francisco.