FAQ & Terms and Conditions for Classes and Workshops with Felicia Forte


1. Payment is required to hold a place in an Online Class, In-Person Class, or Workshop run by Felicia Forte.

2. Workshops held by a third party will be subject to that party's own policies.

3. As a small business Felicia cannot offer refunds or dedicated makeup sessions for client cancellations or absences. Except in the case of her In Person Mentoring (as one day is equal to two classes): If you must miss an In Person Mentoring class you will be given a chance to make up the day when Felicia holds her ‘August Landscape/Cityscape Session’ each year. You will be given a code that allows you to schedule your make up day(s).

4. In Person Mentoring is an ongoing offering. You can sign up for a month at a time.

5. In Person mentoring: Currently registered students will have the opportunity to keep their spot for the next quarter before the spots are offered to the waiting list.

6. If Felicia cancels a session without scheduling a substitute instructor, you are entitled to either a refund for that particular session or a make-up session.

7. Please direct all general and administrative questions to felicia@feliciaforte.com

8. You must be able to climb two flights of stairs to Felicia's studio to participate in her In Person Mentoring. Felicia’s studio is located in a warehouse, built for work and not luxurious. Bring a sweater, be ok with a studio bathroom, bring headphones.

9. If you drive to Felicia's studio, you must find street parking, which is not difficult on Saturdays.

10. Felicia’s Studio is in the Mission/Potrero neighborhood of San Francisco.